Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Days 3 and 4 at the Plein Air Paint-Out at the Gettysburg Fringe Festival

Claire Carnell's been doing such a great job posting about the Paint-Out and I'm feeling like a real slacker! (Just kidding.) I did want to display a little of what my painting experience has produced, however. The top image, Beech Springs Farm, was the end product of our day at that truly gorgeous setting, and was painted primarily in the time AFTER the thunderstorm made its exit. The bottom image, Rose Farmhouse with Barn Ruins, was painted yesterday, where I was in the company of Dianne Lorden, Sue Gray and (I think?) Jonathon Frazier. It's been a fun week!


Mary Beth Brath said...

Great post Amy. Thanks for sending out the email invitation to the group to stop by your studio. See you soon!

Autumn Leaves said...

Amy, these are gorgeous and I so wish I could handle watercolors half as well!

Taryn Day said...

I love your technique. Confident and lively.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I love your work, Amy. I was just telling Linda that you should take all of these watercolor paintings of the Gettysburg Battlefield and put them in a book, then sell it!

The Gettysburg Fringe Festival plein air painters are kind of hijacking the blogs this week - I thank everyone for their interest and comments on what we have been posting.

Unknown said...

Amy, you really should create the book as Claire suggested; we think it would be a great seller!