Monday, June 13, 2011

Day two at the Eisenhower Farm Rose Garden, Gettysburg Fringe Festival paint out by Linda Young

The Not-so-rosey Rose Garden. watercolor WIP

This is at the end of the day and is still a work in progress.  Much more to do in detailing and adding background for depth.  Will post the completed painting soon (I hope).

While I painted and took a break for lunch...

I was also fortunate to hear the park guide tell the visitors to the farm a little bit about Ike's golfing adventures, his relationship to the Secret Service, Mamie's fondness of the SS she called her "boys" and other interesting tidbits.   Did you know, Mamie's code name was "Springtime?"


Mary Beth Brath said...

Awesome post Linda. I so love painting at this festival.

Debra Kreiger said...

Great post! Sounds like a great time you all are having. A little cooler today!

Julie Riker said...

You Gettysburg painters are posting so fast that I can't keep up with you! Seriously though, you have become quite a plein air painter Linda - kudos to you!
I hope to run into you later this week when I come down for the colony.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Linda, I am disappointed that the roses are not doing well at the Eisenhower Farm this year, but seeing this beautiful painting you have done while there really makes me look forward to painting there this Thursday! You are a seasoned plein air painter now!!!!

Autumn Leaves said...

Beautiful painting!

Mary Beth Brath said...

I agree ladies. Linda is totally shining. This is so exciting.
Julie - this is how it is at this event - there is a painting waiting to be created everwhere you look.

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone, I'm working my way towards being the "seasoned" plein air painter; I just wish I had more time during the week to do it more often.

Maybe I can join you in the future paint-outs sometimes.