Thursday, June 23, 2011

3 new landscapes - Mark H Brown

I've been doing some plein air work in the evening, and then doing some studio pieces from those paintings.  Here are three new ones. 

The first, is similar to the last one posted, focusing on the magnificent evening sky.

16 x 24
oil on canvas

The second one is from a hazy sunset, that gave the whole sky a salmon glow.  I love the atmosphere in this one.  I also loosened up and painted this in a much more expressive manner.  I loved it!

The third painting is a pastural scene, same pink sky with the warm glow of the grass fields.  This too was also painted more loose.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

These are three beautiful paintings! I would love to see the plein air work you did that led up to these magnificent studio pieces.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Gorgeous work as usual Mark! Try to make it to the July 1st reception so members can meet you in person!