Friday, December 10, 2010

Spring Houses, 16 x 20, by Ron Donoughe

Cambria County was a winter wonderland last year. It reminded me so much of my childhood. It used to snow from late October until April – that's what it seemed like anyway. I did this painting late last winter when a fresh white blanket covered everything. The scene is near Loretto, PA on what used to be the Schwab Estate. You can't tell from this painting but there is probably three feet of snow on the ground. Shadows from a group of trees on the right created the nice pattern in the foreground and on the roofs.


Cecelia Lyden said...

I never tire of the patterns created by shadows on snow and, by the way, I can tell there is 3 feet of snow on the ground--I went to college for 2 years in Oswego, NY-'58 and '59--never saw so much snow--we were walking on packed snow 3 feet off the ground--your rooftops are almost touching the snow on the ground--brrr.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Hi Ron - I just posted this on our facebook page. Lovely painting and post.

SublimeHues said...

Beautiful image! Such great attention to detail. I Love the way you incorporated shadows into the work. Beautiful texture, color, and composition.

Julie Riker said...

I always love seeing your work. It's beautiful!

Debra Kreiger said...

Beautiful! Love the way the shadows dance across the snow.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

The patterns of the shadows across the snow add to the perfection of this winter scene, Ron. I think we are supposed to get some snow tomorrow. and I am hoping that we do!

Steve Wetzel said...

very nice painting Ron. I like the way you handled this...from the wooded area in the distance to the variations in the grouping of trees around the building, from those that are catching the last bit of light to the shrubbery in shadow on the left side of the house. Nicely done.