Monday, November 15, 2010

Seeking Shelter from the Sun by Amy Lindenberger

This is one of the pieces of my work that Tatiana Myers recently included in her post regarding the exhibition of Miniature Art in Chambersburg, in which we're both participating. I wanted to post it to have a chance to mention the surface I've been experimenting with. It's called PastelMat, and unlike many sanded pastel papers it's not gritty -- it actually feels sort of like microsuede and, I don't know how it works for pastels, but it's wonderful for colored pencil! It grabs the color and creates a vibrancy that would normally take numerous layers to achieve. A much more direct, time-saving way of working in colored pencil.


Tatiana said...

It works GREAT for pastels too! And just as great for charcoal pencils. I only did one work on it so far, but I'm supper impressed with this support and was looking forward to do some miniatures on it. This your works looks fantastic Amy and I didn't know it is pastelmat. BTW, it also works well for watermedia (but organic solvents are no-no!)

Unknown said...

Amy, this is a beauty and I love the depth of your background. I will have to try this PastelMat-do you get it online?

Cecelia Lyden said...

Honestly Amy, looking at this work is a learning as well as an artistic experience--What a wonderful rendering of depth, starting with the placement of the cows and the tree branch in the foreground to the trees and field in the middle and the fainter trees in the background--Love the way you handled the sky, too.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I like the effect of the pastel mat. I also like your work on it. I will have to look it up. Who makes it?

Tatiana said...

It is new French Paper, ladies. Just recently It became available in United States. Several Internet vendors have it now.

Amy Lindenberger said...

I just ordered some from Dick Blick online. I didn't see it in their catalogue, but when I did a search on their website, I found it with no problem. It's sold in tablets of a mix of colors, plus by the single sheet -- I believe the single sheets are 28" x 30" and I know they were a little over $10 per sheet.

Debra Kreiger said...

I love this painting Amy. Very interesting conversations about the surface. I love the composition, color and the texture. Beautiful!