Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Royal Purple" Egg tempre WIP by Tatiana Myers.

"Royal Purple" by Tatiana Myers
14 x 11".  Egg Tempera and ink on Aquaboard.

This and that... meanwhile I'm slowly finishing that very clematis.  I'm  suspecting that it will only need one more good painting session to be finished... But not tonight... perhaps not even tomorrow. This is how it is looking on my working table, even some pigments are around.
Sorry, but precious egg medium already went in my refrigerator! 

With questions about paintings e-mail me at .
To see more of my works visit my web site:


Debra Kreiger said...

Looking very good Tatiana!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Thanks for sharing the process on the blog. It is always fun to see a WIP.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, ladies!
And here comes a finished version!