Monday, November 22, 2010

"Royal Purple" Egg tempera WIP by Tatiana Myers.

"Royal Purple" by Tatiana Myers
14 x 11".  Egg Tempera and ink on Aquaboard.

Just a last touch up and now I may call it finished!

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Kathy Michels said...

Such vibrant and beautiful colors Tatiana. This came out very pretty. A great piece to hang now so we can remember winter won't be here forever.

Julie Riker said...

Tatiana, it has been great to see your progress on this painting. The flowers are beautiful, but I especially love how you handled the background. The mottled blues have a liquid feel. I have never worked with egg tempera and am sure it has it's challenges....great job!!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Love the centers of the flowers and the texture on the petals.

Tatiana said...

Thank You, Kathy! Have to frame it now, before hanging,,, not so sure yet, what i want to do about that framing.

Julie and Mary Beth, thank you!
You both mentioned opposite things and this is very interesting, because I used two totally different techniques to achieve this effect.
For background I used factory-made (Sennelier) tempera paint mixed with plenty of water, And for flowers I used mix of factory paint and own pigments with egg medium and very little water, so it game more oil like effect to the flowers and gouache-like effect to background. All secret is in water/egg ratio.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Tatiana, this is so rich and vibrant - I just love looking at it. You have done an amazing job!

Pat Koscienski said...

Beautiful, Tatiana. I love the color as well as the handling of your values. Masterful!

Tatiana said...

Thank You, ladies!
Egg Tempera is simply, yet amazing medium to play with. I'm not even close to master it to the level of perfection, but I truly love it. There is something mysterious in all this process, perhaps because it is one of the very first paints known. I get some very special feeling every time I'm working with it.