Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Down on My Knees ~ ANDY SMITH, watercolor

"Down on My Knees" ~ 24"x18" ~ $1500.
I simply fell in love with this angle.
Another new painting available on Friday at 2pm!

It was my pleasure today to meet Mary Beth ~ the
founder of this blog. I had a chance to check
out the gallery ~ "Gallery 13" in Mechanicsburg, PA
and chat a bit.

My Website:
My Blog:


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

One of my favorites of yours, Andy. What a terrific perspective, and the play of light and shadow is wonderful!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Lucky you--you can get down on your knees--2 knee implants would prevent me from that angle--not sure I would think to paint from that perspective anyway--as always wonderful, insightful, sensitive and skilled work.

Dianne Lorden said...

Terrific treatment of windows and light reflections, Andy. Looks like late afternoon. Hope you had fun painting on the floor!

Mary Beth Brath said...

It was wonderful talking with you and Linda this week. We will get together at Gallerie 13 after the Holidays - looking forward to it!