Friday, October 1, 2010

A landscape and a still life - Mark H Brown

It is good to post my new work after a forced break dealing with a computer virus and a sickness virus.  Sometimes the forced breaks from creating artwork allow one to return fresh with a new perspective.  I finished the peaches, which joins the apples and plums in the new series of lighter background still life.  My fascination with the way glass distorts and reflects color continues.  I have another one in the works with bananas! 

The landscape was painted with Acrylics.  It is a study for a new body of work my wife and I are working on together.  They are abstracted landscapes.  The acrylics allowed for very quick successive layers and a wonderful feel to the light.  By using the regular golden acrylics and then using their "open" acrylics it allowed my to paint differently then when using oil.  For the first time I must say I'm enjoying using acrylics.  They have come along way.

Bathed in Sunlight
12 x 16
oil on Gessoboard

Peaches in Glass
14 x 14
Oil on Canvas


Mary Beth Brath said...

What a great morning! I click on the blog and see this stunning work. Hope you feel better - so many have been sick - tis the season.

Thom Glace said...

You paint distortion beautifully!

A peach of a painting!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Gorgeous sky with wonderful depth and direction. And I always like your still life paintings.

Toyin O. said...

Beautiful piantings!

Tatiana said...

I can not even say which one I like better...
Both are fantastic paintings!

Bertie Brown said...

wonderful...I love the sky painting, so dramatic ...

Deborah Nell said...

Your sky painting is breathtaking. Your peaches... mouthwatering. Wonderful job on both. The sky painting is my favorite. Such beauty you have captured.

Julie Riker said...

You have a special talent to be able to paint still lives with such precise realism and also create this beautiful "painterly" sky. Both are great works.