Thursday, October 7, 2010

From one cat to another...

So, my six month old kitten likes to sit on the island which is my 'studio'. I have been painting on my leopard, and he(Dakota) decides to come monitor my progress (and occasionally stick a paw around where he thinks the brush is !!!). Now, however, he's just supervising!

Yesterday, I didn't get far on my work, because of necessary interruptions. However, I did manage to squeeze in nearly an hour, and got the front leg blocked in, and worked a bit on the muzzle, and put in some color of the fur on the chest. I won't get much done today, because of homework (I am a full time student, after all, but I graduate in February! yay me!!!)... But I am hoping to squeeze in at least a few minutes, we will see!!!

1 comment:

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Welcome to the DPP blog! I enjoy seeing this work in progress, and obviously your kitty enjoys the view as well. I am looking forward to seeing more!!!