Tuesday, October 5, 2010


acrylic on canvas

This plein air paint session started out about 9:00 with my selecting the No Parking side of Market Street in Camp Hill to set up . What that meant was that there was parking on the other side of the street. I chose what I wanted to paint across the street--one of the charming stores in Camp Hill; but the by the time I finished setting up my easel and squeezing out my colors, the cars and delivery trucks had begun to park their vehicles right in front of my subject matter. Reluctant to pack up and move, I fixed my eyes on some rooftops, where no cars would get in the way.
Although this painting was started outdoors, there was much I wanted to add, after the session was over. I took photos and worked on it extensively in studio.


Debra Kreiger said...

Cecelia this is really nice! You captured very interesting shapes. Most people wouldn't stop to enjoy this view! Nicely done!

Julie Riker said...

I love this Cecelia! I would never think to just paint the rooftops and not the whole building...but you have made an interesting composition...and the signs and tops of the umbrellas tell you what you need to know.
The traffic can be a pain, not to mention dangerous....just another of the challenges you face as a plein air painter!

Mary Beth Brath said...

I love your streetscapes. I met someone you know yesterday. Al Holliday was in Gallerie 13 and is now showing his photography with us! He picked up "the Burg" newspaper that was by the counter and said with a grin "Cecelia Lyden".

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Cecelia, today I was at Harrisburg Hospital, and there in the waiting room was a copy of the 'Burg' magazine with your art work on the cover! A star in our midst!!!
Your Market Street painting is wonderful, and really makes me think of Camp Hill (where I grew up).