Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September Evening Light, 30 x 50, oil on canvas, by Ron Donoughe

Have you ever been on a road trip and the light is so incredible you have to stop, get out and just soak it in? Two weeks ago I had to stop four times. What should have been a 90 minute drive turned into 3 hours! The light continued to get better and better. I would do a small 5 x 7 inch study, drive another 30 miles, look in my rear view mirror and say wow, that's another painting. It was just too good to pass up. The above painting was done from a photo that was taken before I did the studies. I loved the way the warm evening light bathed the trees and corn fields. My photo doesn't look anything like this. I rearranged the masses to show more sky and also balance the light families.


Thom Glace said...

Love the shadows in the field and the weighted perspective of the trees going back to the center of the painting!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great painting Ron. Artists can be very dangerous on the road!

Tatiana said...

Just too beautiful, Ron!

Cecelia Lyden said...

My husband and I went to the Governor's Mansion to see a Seven Lively Artist exhibit. He looked at one of the landscapes with a beautiful blue sky and said the sky never looks that blue--I said --Oh yes it does! From now on, I'll make sure to point the coloring out to him.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is so beautiful, Ron. As always, you have painted the light exquisitely.
I was on my way home from plein air painting this past Monday, and the trip home took me an hour longer because I was stopping to take photographs of the way the light was hitting the farm fields! I think it is an occupational hazard.

Ron Donoughe said...

Thanks everyone. I knew you all could relate! And yes it is an occupational hazard Claire :)