Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Protected" by Deborah Nell


Watermedia on Yupo paper


I recently painted this painting when my seventeen year-old daughter was sick with pneumonia. I felt so helpless. I wanted to protect her. As she gets older, there are times when I wish I could bundle her up in a blanket and keep her safe. I couldn't do it in real life, so I painted my wish in my painting. She's well now and I'm grateful.

This piece can be seen at Hanover Area Arts Guild at 32 Carlise Street, Hanover, PA 17331.

I'm the Artist of The Month for September. Seven of my paintings are hanging in the small display window in the front of the Guild.


Cecelia Lyden said...

A beautiful painting, painted from the heart--melancholy and yet hopeful--so happy your daughter is well.

Dianne Lorden said...

Deborah, the painting is very beautiful. I just love the syle and colors ... it really does have a feeling of love and protection. I wish you both the very best!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Deborah, it is so nice to see your work up here - welcome to the DPP blog. I can relate to your post very personally, and it touches the heart.
Beautiful, just beautiful!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Oh Deb - so happy to see you are finally able to post on the DPP blog. Welcome!! This is an awesome first post and I look forward to many many more!

Autumn Leaves said...

I so well know these feelings. Beautiful capture of your emotions and one that so resonates within.

Tatiana said...

Welcome to DPP blog, Deborah!
Wonderful painting. I think you doing something very beautiful with that Yupo. Your work looks almost like silk painting!... So delicate... Love it.

Debra Kreiger said...

Welcome to the DPP blog Deb! Wonderful painting and a beautiful story. Love it!

Bertie Brown said...

great handling of Yupo! and a very creative way to convey your feelings.

Unknown said...

Yeah Deb! You were able to post on the blog and it is a beautiful painting! Sorry to hear your daughter was sick but you made her better with all the good feelings you poured into this painting.