"The Music Maker" by Deborah Nell
16"x22" Watermedia on Yupo paper
In this painting I wanted to express the joy and sound of music being created by a musician. Music takes us places we've never been before and lifts our spirits. I never paint wihout listening to music. To all the music makers out there... thank you.
This painting is for sale. I can be reached through my website at http://www.deborah-nell.artistwebsites.com/
Amen sister from a fellow music lover! Hope to see you on Friday!
I think one of the hardest things for an abstract painting to do for me is to create movement on the painting. I see the hands move and the music playing in this terrific painting!
I agree with Thom, Deborah. I can feel the movement and almost hear the music. Great painting.
I just love the way you handle yupo, a very difficult paper (?) to deal with.
This musician looks totally engaged in his playing...
There is a definate energy from the live musician. Your painting delivers that energy in the color and movement. Nice.
You make me wish I could paint expressive, abstract art.
This painting is so alive! The colors around him are like the music in action.
Wonderful - such movement and energy!
Thank you all for such positive comments. I really appreciate them.
Deborah, this is one energy-filled painting; full of motion, lively and colorful. Nice job.
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