Wednesday, September 22, 2010


acrylic on masonite
I was on my way to meet other plein air artists at Kings Gap. I had just turned on to Kings Gap Road when I saw this beautiful horse grazing in the sunlight in front of this white, white shed with a pinkish colored roof. I came to a sreeching stop, looked and then backed up to take whatever pictures I could. I have never painted an animal, but this sight was just to beautiful to resist.


Mary Beth Brath said...

Quaint and peaceful Cecelia.

Unknown said...

You never painted an animal! Well, you did a beautiful job on this horse and it's surroundings!

Pat Koscienski said...

Great job, Cecelia, I too can't believe you've never painting an animal. Aren't you glad you stopped?

Julie Riker said...

Cecelia, you did a beautiful job with this. I also am amazed that this is your first painting of an animal. You painted it so well.

Cecelia Lyden said...

I used the same observation tools that I use for all objects I paint--I carefully observed and painted the negative shapes surrounding the horse.