Sunday, September 5, 2010

Art at the Winery by Dianne Lorden

Well, it was wicked windy Saturday (Sept. 4th) at the lovely Hauser Estate Winery, Adams County. We were staked out and weighed down, but still dealt with gusts all day. At one point, the piece I was working on ripped free and took off like a kite. Fortunately, a quick lad retrieved it. I had thought I'd easily finish my picture, but the distraction of the wind took up much of the day. Finally, around 4:30 p.m., one of my display pieces peeled apart at the hanger and flew into my forehead. That's when my hubby said, "I think we've had enough fun for today," and we literally pulled up stakes. But, I got a good beginning on a painting (top image), photos to finish it by, a nice purple lump to impress folks with, and Craig and I split a bottle of Devil's Den Red. Nice.
How we suffer for our art! View my paintings at my site, South Mountain Sketchbook:


Autumn Leaves said...

It sure is looking fabulous though! The price we pay for beauty! And creating!

Deborah Nell said...

Diane, enjoyed reading about your painting adventure. Can't wait to see the finished piece. Thanks for your comment on my work.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Fantastic post Dianne. This brings back memories from the Festival in June. It was about 95 degrees when I painted there. Our weather this summer has been brutal.

Debra Kreiger said...

What a great view! Love the story that goes with the painting..You did very well to get that much done. Wonderful job!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Your experience is what I call "the perils of plein aire". I posted my experience with acorns dropping--we are all troopers--your husband is too--nice composition --I applaud you for your commitment and concentration.

Dianne Lorden said...

Thanks for all your fun comments, everyone. I should add that my compatriots (other artists with booths) insisted on getting a bag of ice for my lump. They were quite attentive - beyond what it called for, for sure! So they fussed over me while my husband packed us up. How funny!

Bertie Brown said...

Looks great so far...a fun and whimsical work! even under windy conditions!