Monday, August 9, 2010

"Gettin' figgy with it!" Pastel still life of figs by Linda Young

This painting begins with an underpainting of yellow and gamboge watercolor on pastel paper with a saran wrap overlay. I'm not a pastel artist but I bought some supplies about two years ago, tried it once and never went back to it until today. I don't even know the name brand of the paper! It was really an experiment on my part. Here is the "start" showing the underpainting and the reference photo from Lela Stankovic's "Paint and Draw Together" blogspot. It's this month's project to paint.

Then, without knowing anything about how to start or where to go with pastels, I drew the outline of the figs onto the yellow paper and started with the lightest colors first going on to the darks and back down to the lights to highlight them. Now, I have a pastel that I know needs to have some type of finishing put on it to keep the pastels from rubbing off; but I don't know what to do next. If someone knows what to do, maybe you could comment and tell me. If not, it doesn't matter and I'll leave it like it is. Here is the finished piece in pastels and I've called it "Gettin' Figgy with it!".

"Gettin' figgy with it!"
10 x 12"
Linda Young, artist
Please Note!  I still love watercolors the best and will be trying it again only this time with just watercolor!


Kathy Michels said...

The colors in this are just beautiful. If this is just your beginning in pastels I can't wait to see more. It's just lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing your watercolor version of this to.

Autumn Leaves said...

So lovely!!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Love the title and the painting. Thanks for making me laugh this morning. It is wonderful to start my day with a good dose of the Daily Painters of PA blog site.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Amazing texture and color--My grandfather grew figs--I remember how he would proudly present me with a ripe one to eat--looked just like the figs in your pastel--to this day, I absolutly LOVE figs. I'll be looking for some when I hit Giant today.

Jennifer VonStein said...

Figs rock and so does this painting! Love the purples and magentas. Great job on trying a new medium.

Unknown said...

Thank you all; I was informed that pastels don't get a seal finish on them, it messes up the luminosity. Experienced pastel artists; is that correct?