Friday, June 4, 2010

by Claire Beadon Carnell
100 Paintings in 100 Days Challenge
'Inspirations from a Back Yard'

'Honeybee and Chive Blossom'
Oil 5 x 7

Day 17

I purposely grow plants in my garden to draw in the
bees. We have had such a shortage of honeybees
over the past few years because
of the mites that were getting into their hives and killing
them off, so I try to do whatever I can to help them
regenerate and increase their population.

This also means letting things go to seed, like my chives.
The bumblebees swarm to the flowers, and this little
guy was about half drunk on the nectar
he was drinking from the chive blossom!

If you would like to see to see more of my work, please visit my website or my blog. If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact me. Thank you.


Thom Glace said...

Of course I love this one! It has an insect in it. I also am partial to purple. My favorite flower so far.

By the way, I love the work on the bee!

Bertie Brown said...

I love that purple and green palate and the honey bee that completes the work.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thank you for commenting, Thom and Bertie!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! All those little petals are perfect!

Unknown said...

I have some chives too but they are being overtaken by a pretty, but invasive"chameleon plant".
I want to keep those little bees happy too so I'm moving the chives to a new place where bees and chives will thrive.
Nice painting and committment to your goal, Claire. Keep up the good work; I love the purple green palate also.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thank you, Charlotte and Linda. I learned something interesting from someone who posted a comment on this pianting on my blog - and that is that the chive flowers can be eaten, and must be quite tasty. Might have to steal a couple from the bees!