Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Brunot's Island, 34 x 64, oil on canvas, by Ron Donoughe

This is a piece I've been working on for the last few weeks. It is from a photo I took from Mt. Washington. Describing how colors change over distance is something that has always fascinated me. In this painting I'm contrasting a dense dark, shadowed foreground with a cooler, softer background. The Ohio River splits as it goes around Brunot's Island and makes its way toward McKees Rocks and then on to Sewickley and eventually to the mighty Mississippi. I wanted to show the extreme distance that can be seen from this vantage point.


Bertie Brown said...

And I feel like I can see for miles and miles..and everything works so well - the trees in the foreground to the bridge, road and buildings in the middleground to the distant island and hills in the amazing painting!

blah said...

This is beautiful on so many levels. The lines are wonderful. Nice balance. Very pleasing lines to the eye. I think you have captured the color well.

Autumn Leaves said...

Simply breathtaking!!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Beautiful atmospheric perspective!