Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Self portrait challenge~ by Linda Young

I've seen the self-portrait paintings done by the masters and in no way do I think I am one of them; but I wanted to try something different that I'd never done before.  I thought, "maybe I could try to do one too."  After all, I'd been working very hard at completing paintings for my exhibit in May and this could really allow me to let my hair down and relax.

So, taking the mirror in my hand and drawing with the other onto a scrap piece of paper, I drew the image of myself "looking back at me".   Has anyone ever tried that?  To draw just what I saw there in the mirror--flaws and all and to put it down on paper!  Yikes, where did that double chin come from...and those wrinkles? 
                                                         Here's the rough sketch I did first.

After drawing the rough sketch, I enlarged it to fit onto the watercolor paper and began to paint with a reckless abandon...not caring if the painting turned out or not...  But; something amazing happened. This was just supposed to be an exercise to challenge myself and try not to get stressed over; what I ended up with was a really fun and colorful piece to paint.  There's just a little detailing to go and it will be finished and I can post it to this blog tomorrow...

Usually, I have a smile on my face and my husband and mom wonder why I didn't smile for this sketch.   My answer was "the straight face was simpler to do" without getting worked up over teeth....

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Autumn Leaves said...

I think you look quite beautiful and did a magnificent job on this piece. Your eyes are gorgeous!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Awesome post Linda. I can't wait to see your painting.

Amy Lindenberger said...

I have tried this same thing, Linda, and it's quite a challenge. (It's also a little daunting, when we start getting those age-related issues -- my grandson says I have "cracks") I think you did a great job with the sketch and I'm anxious to see the color version! Congrats for setting yourself a challenge, also.

Rodrica Tilley said...

Can't wait to see the painting. Great project. cracks? wrinkles? sags? That's character! An enlightening project...thanks for the reminder. I used to do quite a few self-portraits before I got so much "character".

Bertie Brown said...

Great job! I too look forward to the painting, Linda.