August Evening by Rodrica Tilley
This is an 11 x 14 studio pastel painting depicting a typical summer evening scene near my home in Susquehanna County, PA. The dairy cows have just been released from the milking parlor and they are out to spend the summer night making more milk from healthy green grass. It is heart-breakingly pastoral. I can only hope we will continue to see this kind of beauty, peace and productivity on a daily basis here in the future. Neighborhoods change, but mine is undergoing a radical and brutal transformation. The best I can do is continue to record the beauty of this landscape as I have done for 35 years. Thanks for looking. Leave a comment.
Oh, so pretty, Rodrica. I can almost hear the cows soft moo's. This gives a nice mood for me.
Stunning! Love the way the white markings on the cows jumps out at you. I always admire skies down well in pastel- as I feel it is a very difficult medium to get the proper effects done.
Your sky is beautiful.
Rodrica, this is phenomenal! The colors are so rich and the light is so true. I absolutely love it.
Beautiful! Hard to believe this is a pastel Those cows look very fat and contented!
This is outstanding, Rodrica. This reminds me of the masters, like Constable. Absolutely, wonderful!
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