Musically Inclined
original: 18 1/2"w x 22 1/2"h
Violin Class
The violin’s a classy fellow
When bowed he sings a tune so mellow
When plucked
His notes are quite abrupt
And when there’s nothing left to play
He simply packs himself away....
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Your beautiful painting instantly brought back memories of seeing my daughter's violin lying on top of the quilt on her bed when she was taking a rest from practice. This is fantastic, Bertie!
Your fabulous painting reminds me of the works of William Harnett, a 19th century American painter--same type of subject matter,just as expertly painted, but with more 21st century colors.
Gosh, Bertie. Every single one of these instruments series has had me floored. I think this one, however, is my favorite. There is something so comforting about the bringing together the sophistication and elegance of the violin with the homespun quilt. Just beautiful.
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