original: 7 1/2"w x 9"h
Buttercup and Sunflower Daze
Sophie and I
Are anxious time counters
Of the weeks, days and hours
Till summer and sunflowers..
So we’re planning an event
To keep us content
A friendly little picnic
In a meadow very near
Where busy bees peer
Over petals and cheer
Their great luck at finding
A clover patch so inviting
And birds by the throngs
Sing melodious spring songs
Now that winter is gone...
We’ll have jam and buttercup bread
To keep our tummies well fed
Sweet meadow tea for me
None for Sophie till she’s two or three...
Well, maybe a bit sooner, we’ll have to see
So we’re waiting for our day
When Buttercups are in bloom
And our Sunflowers, too
Would you like to come
Please do
We’ll be waiting here just for you!
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Bertie...I really like your plans for a lovely picnic with Sophie. I really admire your simple shapes, colors and movements in your paintings. I can feel the warmth. Very nice!
I like the loose feel and colors!
Another neat painting, Bertie.
Vibrant! Looks like you used the support alot for the pedals ... it's so clean and sharp, yet fluid, too. Very lovely.
Your loose, fluid brushwork in this painting is postively sumptious, Bertie!
Oh wow! What gorgeous sunflowers Bertie! Believe it or not, I think I like these even more than the lovely music paintings!
Your use of color and light in this painting makes the flowers pop and makes me think of summertime. Thanks for the invitation-the picnic sounds wonderful.
Love those lines defining the petals.
Thank you all! I think we are all in need of a simple picnic and rest in green meadows beside still waters...........Come on sun-dappled days!
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