Friday, January 1, 2010

"Yellow Creek State Park" by Pennsylvania Daily Painter Pat Koscienski

"Yellow Creek State Park"
16" x 20"
Pastel on canson

This painting was done plein aire at Yellow Creek State Park near Indiana, Pennsylvania. It was a beautiful day with some low clouds hanging over the lake. The light bounced off the yellow field and gave the scene a glorious glow. If interested in purchasing, contact Pat at If interested in viewing more of my paintings, both representatonal and abstract. visit my website at :


Unknown said...

I like this Pat. Those nice clouds and golden glow on the field. I feel the calmness of the day.

Tatiana said...

Pat, this is beautiful! And on Canson! You are brave woman. I'm most of the time reaching for my sandpaper. :-)

Autumn Leaves said...

What a beautifully bruised sky and sunlight glowing grasses, Pat. I so wish I had an iota of your talent and your vision. Just gorgeous, as always.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Moody and mysterious. Your creativity is endless. Love it!

Thom Glace said...

I believe one of the hardest things to do right in painting is a beautiful sky in pastel. You obviously disagree. All I can say is this is a beautiful painting- and the fact that it is Plein Aire makes it even more so. I envy you the ability to paint Plein Aire- as my health keeps me from it.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is absolutely lovely, Pat. Your sun-kissed grasses are exceptional.

Pat Koscienski said...

Thanks, Linda, I'm glad you like it.

Pat Koscienski said...

Thanks, Tatiana, I'm not sure sanded paper was affordable when I first started using pastels. Am I aging myself? LOL

Pat Koscienski said...

Thanks, Autumn, the day's setting helped a lot. LOL

Pat Koscienski said...

Thanks, Mary Beth, see you Friday.

Pat Koscienski said...

Thom, if I could consistently paint a great sky, I would disagree, but, I find it hard to paint skies and give it the dimension that it has. I do feel fortunate to be able to paint plein aire. Maybe you could join us sometime when our subject isn't too far from the car. Often, where we park is where we paint.

Pat Koscienski said...

Thanks, Claire. I like you term "sun-kissed".

Debra Kreiger said...

This is beautiful Pat. It is surely sun-kissed as Claire says.

Pat Koscienski said...

Thanks, Debra. I'm glad you like it.

Amy Lindenberger said...

Pat, this piece is so inviting! I admire all that you've been able to capture here, especially in plein air.

Pat Koscienski said...

Thanks, Amy, plein aire inspires my paintings, but there is usually some studio work involved. I always say I'm not a plein aire painter, but I like to paint in plein aire. LOL