Saturday, January 2, 2010

Memories of Maine Series
Sunlit Birches along East Pond
by Claire Beadon Carnell

Memories of Maine Series
'Sunlit Birches along East Pond'
12x16 on stretched canvas

Just coming off the holiday break - very little
painting,and no blogging. Today I finished
this painting which is the first in a series of paintings
I want to do from my trip to Maine this past Summer.

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year 2010!

If you are interested in seeing more of my work,please go to my website
or my blog. Thank you!


Pat Koscienski said...

Claire, this is beautiful. This is going to be a great series.

Tatiana said...

Claire, you have no idea!... Birch is our national tree and just as coming in Russia as palms at Florida... My grandparents login cabin was in the birch forest... What a pretty sight! I was in Main too few years ago at spring... Almost like Russia, even flowers the same. It was almost like trip back home.
Great painting!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, just beautiful; more please. :)

Thom Glace said...

I spent 6 years living in New Hampshire, and was able to travel to Maine a lot. I still miss our long weekends in Camden, next to Rockport. You have captured the essence of the Maine landscape- I am just waiting for a moose to enter the painting.I love the play of light in the woods off the white bark.

Debra Kreiger said...

Nice painting Claire. We visited Maine and it is beautiful.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thanks, everyone! I fell in love with Maine this past Summer when we were there. I hope to go back some day and hear the loons again.

Mary Beth Brath said...

This scene is so inviting. I imagine myself quietly walking through this area and exploring God's creations. Thank you!

Amy Lindenberger said...

Claire -- absolutely beautiful! No fair making me long for Spring this early in January!