Thursday, September 1, 2011

Horse Portrait by Charlotte Yealey

Acrylic and Colored Pencil
In my attempt to paint larger, I created this head study of a horse that belongs to a Civil War re-enactor. I enjoyed the new size and had to decide when to stop. 


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is so sentitively portrayed, Charlotte - absolutely stunning.

Kathy Michels said...

Oh such a beautiful, touching painting. The detail is just amazing.

blah said...


Deborah Nell said...

Wonderful painting. Great detail.

Unknown said...

Thank You Claire, Kathy, Michael and Deborah!

Bertie Brown said...

very soulful...I love him!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Charlotte, I keep coming back to look at this - starting to feel like a 'stalker'... This is magnificent.