Monday, August 15, 2011

Wildwood Sanctuary Plein Air by Mary Beth Brath

Wildwood Sanctuary Plein Air
11x14" Acrylic on Canvas

On the morning of August 5th, Julie Riker, Patricia Griffin and I met outside of Harrisburg to paint.  Of course, my time was limited to about 2 hours before I needed to run to Mechanicsburg to open the gallery.  Eventhough time can be scarce, I still make sure I get in painting time.  The coloring is more true to life in the photo that was taken onsite.

See more of my work at


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is a great painting, Mary Beth. I really like the depth you have achieved in this, as well as the variety of greens!

blah said...

A very nice work of art! That looks like a really wonderful spot to paint and to relax!

Dianne Lorden said...

Hey there, Mary Beth. What a perfectly divine location to paint! You did an amazing job in two hours; I'm always impressed with how much you accomplish while working in the field. This is beautiful!

Unknown said...

The photo really shows amazing work. Very nice Mary Beth. Beautiful plein air.

Julie Riker said...

Great job with this Mary Beth! I am so glad you were able to take some time to paint that day!

Patricia A. Griffin said...

You got it girl!

Jennifer VonStein said...

Way to go - an inspiring place and inspriring that you painted even thought you had limited time.

Bertie Brown said...

Very well done, Mary Beth. Limited time is often a good thing!

Taryn Day said...

Really beautiful piece, Mary Beth. I love the texture and strength of your brush strokes.