Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Watermelon in Williamsburg by Christine Marx

I spent last weekend in North Carolina and stopped in Williamsburg on the way home. My daughter made reservations for a colonial dinner at the King's Arms Tavern and we were served sweet pickled watermelon rind. I have never heard of such a thing. It was delicious!! Now when I look at this painting I get hungry!!

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Kathy Michels said...

I'm getting hungry too looking at this lovely painting. I love the warmth of this one. Beautiful job!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Gorgeous painting, Christine - the texture of that watermelon is incredible! My mom used to make pickled watermelon rind, and it was always a favorite at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Might have to get out her old recipe and give it a try this Summer...

Christine Marx said...

Thank you Kathy!

Christine Marx said...

Thank you Claire! I would love to get your recipe. I bought a cookbook in Williamsburg that has a recipe and it calls for boiling and straining it twice. Does your recipe do that too?

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Christine - I will have to check, and when I find the recipe I will send it to you. It was delicious.

Christine Marx said...

Thanks Claire!

Christine Marx said...

Thanks Claire!