Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just outside my crooked gate, plein air watercolor by Linda Young

copyright 2011 LYoung
Title: Just outside my crooked gate
9 x 12 Watercolor en plein air

Every day, during the month of July, the large pink and white Dinner Plate Hibiscus nod their heads in greeting to everyone who enters or exits my home. They are quite the conversation piece.  The season for the Red Minarda bee balm are nearly over but Gladiolas are just beginning to bloom. The sweet scent of the Oriental Lilies will make you turn your head to find out where that wonderful aroma is coming from.

For many years, the Japanese Beetles have munched their way all over these Hibiscus; but this year I haven't seen any. This year has been the best and most abundant flush of the “Dinner Plate” flowers. Perhaps it’s because of the hot days we have been having they love so much. Lasting only one day and into the night, the blossoms will have wilted by morning and will fall all day long. The next buds will be opening too and there will be another beautiful sight to see “just outside my crooked gate” by morning.

Linda Young
P O Box 941
Carlisle, Pa. 17013


Autumn Leaves said...

An absolutely lovely painting and I would so love to have this fence! I love wild looking flower gardens and if we buy this house, I intend to do just the same once we get a fence!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great way to treat the background and such pleasing atmosphere.

Unknown said...

My flower gardens all have the appearance of looking "wild"...I'm into that natural look!
Thank you Autumn and Mary Beth.

Julie Riker said...

It is lovely! I like the fence and gate.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Cottage gardening - my favorite kind... This is a wonderful painting, Linda - full of atmosphere and life!

Unknown said...

Thank you Julie and Claire.