Thursday, August 4, 2011

Last Light, 30 x 40, oil by Ron Donoughe

Painting the area close to my studio has become much more important to me over the last few years. I especially like the narrow alley ways. They allow me to describe how colors change over distance while also showing a sense of place. In this painting the late day light is just touching some row houses before they drop into shadow.


Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Wow, such a serene time of day. Love the warm corner of the brick building and the reflections in the windows, the depth...

Unknown said...

nice composition, wonderful colors.
depth; this is nicely done.

Julie Riker said...

This is fabulous Ron, as is all your work. It seems as if the detail goes on for miles, though I am sure that up close it is really just well placed brush strokes. I just love it!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

You place your viewer right into the painting and make them feel as though they are actually there - just magnificent!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great work Ron. Catching the light can be like trying to catch a butterfly sometimes. Your paintings make it look so easy. Awesome.