Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hydrangeas & Roses by Christine Marx

Work on my newest piece has been painstakingly slow, thanks to summer break! I can not get in my six straight hours in the studio during the week like I can during the school year. I am not complaining....I love summer and trips to the museum with the kids (that's considered work for art, right???) and the zoo and Longwood Gardens and flower nurseries and time in the garden. Last Sunday I was laying by the pool as my youngest daughter swam in the shallow end. I was very comfortable on my lounge chair, staring up at the beautiful big old trees that line one side of our property next to our neighbor's 250 year old Pennsylvania barn. My husband, who was running to and fro, emptying pool filters and snipping bushes by the pool (because he's very German and is not able to sit for more than a few minutes without feeling antsy) said in a 1/2 joking manner "must be nice to lay down and relax on a Sunday." My immediate response was "I'm working!" And it was true. I was seriously examining the way the light fell on the tops of the trees, and the color of the shadows in the trees. I was actually thinking it would be nice to piddle around and not have to stop to analyze every beautiful scene I lay my eyes on! Ah, the life of a painter. LOL.

So, here is the latest piece, which I will finish next week. I am happy with the way it's coming along and I am loving painting roses picked from my garden. Well, I am going to go now. I've got to do some more light/shadow studies out by the pool. Cheers!


Deb Watson said...

This is beautiful!

Tatiana said...

Coming along nicely, Chris. Don't worry about "slow" part. Often those "slow ones" are turning in our best ones!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I already love this, Christine - the colors are working beautifully. Can't wait to see the finished painting!
I think as artists we all need to take time to rejuvenate and observe the world around us, and laying by the pool sounds like a perfect way to get that accomplished!!!

Ron Donoughe said...

Christine, I can relate to your comments about looking at the light and shadow. In some ways it becomes a blessing and a curse, because you can be painting ALL THE TIME - even though you aren't actually putting paint to canvas. I suppose it is just a process of trying to understand the beautiful harmony of nature.

Dianne Lorden said...

And I can relate to your comments about finding time to work in the summer! I always blissfully imagine summer as endless days making bright, breezy works of art. It never turns out that way. Oh well! Your painting is truly lovely; I adore the palette and the soft treatment.

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great post Christine. Can't wait to see you on Wednesday!

Julie Riker said...

This is a cute post and the painting is looking great. It doesn't look like you have too much more to do to it.