Friday, August 12, 2011

Highways & Byways
Jane Ramsey

"Highways & Byways"
Old Coastal Highway, Santa Ynez Valley, CA
plein air watercolor, pen & ink, 14" x 11"
I love to venture off of highways to discover roads less traveled. The rusty old roof of this barn caught my eye as I began my downhill descent into the Santa Ynez Valley via Highway 101 North. I decided to keep a look out for a turn-off or exit. Up ahead was an unmarked road and I slowed down and turned off onto a narrow old road. I was delighted when I saw the barn up ahead and pulled in to paint!

To the left of this barn were huge vegetable fields and hehind me were rows of strawberries and raspberries. Helmut, the owner, stopped over to see my painting in progress and talk. He told me the history of this barn... once an old dairy farm that delivered cheese and butter on wagons up over the mountains and to boats waiting in Gaviota, south of here, to be shipped to San Francisco. Today it is Helmut's impressive organic fruit and vegetable operation.  I returned a few days later to paint the rows of lettuces and vegetables ready for harvesting.

"California Hex Sign"
Old Coastal Highway, Santa Ynez Valley, CA
plein air watercolor, pen & ink, 14" x 11"
To see more California paintings, visit my blog. My website is


Autumn Leaves said...

Absolutely stunning, Jane. I love both pieces!

Mary Beth Brath said...

I really like the way you use pen & ink with your watercolors. Looking forward to seeing your work in person and meeting you in person.

Jane Ramsey said...

Thank you!
Mary, the pen and ink sort of evolved from my sketchbook. I had a gallery owner ask me (after looking at my sketchbooks) if I wouldn't try working larger scale pieces. It was great to focus on that in CA -- finding that balance of just enough line and letting the watercolors finish the definition. It was fun to explore and refine.

Jennifer VonStein said...

They look great - travel paintings are the best!

Julie Riker said...

Welcome to Daily Painter's Jane! You always have interesting posts. I love the peace sign on the barn.

Bertie Brown said...

I love your fresh clean colors and lively compositions! Keep 'em coming!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Gorgeous, Jane. Your watercolors are always so fresh and alive!