Monday, August 1, 2011

Feeding Time ~ Watercolor ~ Debi Watson

Feeding Time is a watercolor painting, 16 x 20 of miniature horses. I liked the light and the little horses. I'm getting ready for a showing of work at a local library. It gives me a good reason to finish what I have started and clean up the studio.


Mary Beth Brath said...

Great to see your post Debi. I agree with your comment. Keeping my calendar booked helps me focus. Your painting is so lovely. Thanks for filling my first day back from vacation with inspiration.

Kathy Michels said...

This is so beautiful Debi. It is so soft and peaceful. I love the colors and the horses are just adorable!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Wonderful light and atmosphere, and the subject matter is absolutely enchanting.

Autumn Leaves said...
