Monday, August 1, 2011

Sonshine - Final Version by Jennifer VonStein

I was away for a week, but I kept thinking about this painting and was excited to get back to it. I adjusted the "dead layer" with some opaque scumbles and glazes, and I did some more tweaking and all over glazes. Definitely different from my impressionist, alla prima style, but a good exercise and I'm pleased with this study of my son. Next up - my hubby... :-)
Sonshine - acrylic on panel


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I really like this - it is so engaging, and what a beautiful little boy you have!

Autumn Leaves said...

What a gorgeous son indeed!

Jennifer VonStein said...

Thank you - he is the best, and even cuter and sunnier in person!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Beautiful piece! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow(Wednesday).