Saturday, July 30, 2011

Watermelon Bowl by Taryn Day

oil on panel

I've never painted watermelon before, and I wasn't sure I'd like the subject because I like interesting shapes, not just pleasing color. Once I cut up this watermelon for my family I realized that the wedges can make quite interesting compositions.
The last couple of weeks I've been trying to concentrate on the business end of things, and I've learned something- the business end of things can completely take over if you let it!  I'm traveling to an island in Maine for a couple weeks, and am excited to paint there, but in the midst of packing and running last minute errands I felt that I HAD to do a small painting or explode.  I limited myself to three hours, which stretched to four, then five.
To see more of my work visit:
My Daily Paintworks Gallery
Awake and Painting Blog
Taryn Day Fine Art


Unknown said...

Hello Taryn, did you make the family wait until you got it painted (lol)
I like it!

Autumn Leaves said...

Indeed a lovely composition and lovely colors! Nicely done!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Nice! I can see how fun this was to paint. I know what you mean about the business end. It is hard to find a balance at times.

Julie Riker said...

Luscious! And great variations in your greens. Maine is beautiful - what island are you painting on?

Mary Beth Brath said...

Great post Taryn. That balance is what makes a successful professional artist. We are healthy when we notice that we are off balance. Having goals written down on paper is really a good way to stay on track. I have mid-range goals set for this fall. One involves branding/promoting the DPP. I am also preparing for a Daily Painting Challenge that will keep my brush wet. I always enjoy your paintings and it was great to see 4 of them in person as part of the Capitol Exhibit!

Jennifer VonStein said...

Love this! Yummy.... And if you are going to Acadia in Maine I can attest that it is wonderful!!!!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Makes me want to reach into the picture and grab a piece of that delicious watermelon!

Deborah Nell said...

I agree. I've been eating lots of watermelon lately and you've engaged a lot of senses in this painting. I can smell, taste and feel the watermelon in your painting. Wonderful

Ron Donoughe said...

Excellent. Could look at this one for a long, long time.