Saturday, July 30, 2011

Michele White diligently kept on painting

No matter that the heat index was 101 yesterday, Michele White returned to the side of the pond at my home to continue painting.  While I was working indoors, she kept hydrated and committed herself to getting as much done as she could.  Here's two pictures of Michele at work taken from my kitchen window.

            Michele White               photo by Linda Young

Linda Young
P O Box 941
Carlisle, Pa.  17013


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

That's plein air dedication! Hope she will let you post a picture of her finished painting! Thanks for offering your garden to the painters, Linda.

Unknown said...

Michele's coming back to continue when she gets a break next week from teaching.
(She even got a haircut from me this same day!) How's that for plein air painting services? I bet nobody else got a haircut with plein air before! lol

Mary Beth Brath said...

Hey - can I get in on the hair cut and painting! I will email you to set up an appointment. How wonderful to see Michele White on our blog site! Michele teaches art classes at a private Baptist school and at the Mechanicsburg Arts Center.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Plein Air and a haircut! What a deal!!!