Monday, July 25, 2011

Easton Plein Air 2011 by Julie Riker

109 Goldsborough
8x10 oil

On Saturday I participated in the Quick Draw event at the Easton Plein Air Festival.  It was the first time I had been to this area and only my second plein air competition experience.  I loved the charm of the town full of well restored homes.  There were plenty of opportunities for paintings, but my main criteria was to find a spot in the shade to escape the oppressive heat.  

The Quick Draw was 10-12:00.  At 12:30  more than 130 artists who braved the heat set up their easels and framed paintings along the street and spectators crowded around to view the finished work.  It was extremely exciting!  There was a huge range in artist's skill levels, but I was impressed and inspired by the quality of many of the paintings.  Many of the painters, some big names in the world of plein air painting, traveled from as far as California for the event and it was worth the trip for me just to see their work up close.

If you would like to see more of my work please visit my website


Cecelia Lyden said...

Glad you survuved the heat, Julie, and were able to produce another charming and excellent painting. Took your suggestion about cropping. What do you think?

Unknown said...

Julie, this is a really nice painting. It sounds like you enjoyed the experience once again. Keep up the fine work!

Julie Riker said...

Thanks ladies!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

It is so great that you went down to Easton and participated in the quick draw, Julie! You've got a wonderful painting here!!!

Amy Lindenberger said...

Thanks for this very interesting post, Julie -- I've always been curious about that event and feel like I'm getting a little bit of an insider's view by reading your post, seeing where you painted, and seeing your beautiful finished painting. Nice job!

Autumn Leaves said...

Beautiful piece, Julie. The heat would have knocked me for a loop! Still, wish I could have watched and drooled over all the beautiful pieces that were created.