Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Tiger Swallowtail" by Debra Tritt-Kreiger

"Tiger Swallowtail" 14" x 11" Watercolor on a watercolor board

I'm not sure if I'm finished with this one yet, but I have to move back to paper...This was another out-of-my-box exercises. Very different than painting on paper. The paint didn't want to stay on the board. I had to spray with Krylon UV resistant spray to set the paint. Seemed to work pretty good. Enjoy!

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Bertie Brown said...

Looks great to me! That swallowtail is surely enjoying his lunch!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I always look forward to seeing these beauties - this is lovely, Deb!

Thom Glace said...

As a Fellow Bug Painter, let me say -
Massive kudos for a great painting!!

Pat Koscienski said...

Really nice painting, Deb. Love the softness and fragilness.