Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Small Portrait, Maria Kovalenko Leysens

I was doing some research for my Baba paintings and found some old photos that I found really interesting. I think this is a family member from Russia. I painted this small 5x7 inch acrylic painting from a black and white photo. I used strectched canvas and painted a bright warm red as a base. I also gave her a yellow pencil... not from the time... she had an ink pen and ink jar... but I wanted to add some yellow warmth to the image. Hmmmm.... was it wrong? or could this be like a game... what does not belong in the picture? (Where's Waldo-ish?)


Bertie Brown said...

I love the rhythm of the whites...from the bow to collar to paper to pencil eraser and paper......

Autumn Leaves said...

This is beautiful, Maria! And odd that I instantly thought this little girl was in Russia right from the top. The pencil works just fine!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I think this is absolutely outstanding, Maria. The whites are so crisp against the darker colors, and all beautifully pulls the viewer directly to the little girl's lovely face.
Wonderful, just wonderful!