Saturday, January 16, 2010

Poppy Pizzicato (Series) by Bertie Brown

Poppy Pizzicato


Curvaceous long legs

Popping up from their beds

With ruffled petticoats flouncing

Such perky orange heads!

They do the Pizzicato Polka

It’s the right dance for them

As they twirl and spin around

On those curvy long stems!



Pat Koscienski said...

Beautiful painting, Bertie. And, the poem sure fits the painting, or is it vice versa?

Cecelia Lyden said...

Your delicate painting and poem reminded me of an art project I did with my students. I projected on a screen, read and then briefly discussed Haiku poetry-how a picture emerges with so few words. I then presented each of my 4th grade classes with a different Haiku poem. Each student painted what image they saw in the poem.

Bertie Brown said...

What a great artistic exercise! I have to do it the other way, though, first a painting followed by poetry.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Glorious dancing poppies, I love it!