Monday, January 4, 2010

Face Card #4, Maria Kovalenko Leysens

Russian great grandfather... lived in a house built in the late 1700's. His father lived to be 108 years old. Hard work and no tv... or was it simple foods... hmmmm.
2.5 x 3.5 inches, watercolor


Amy Lindenberger said...

Maria, these face cards are really fun to view! An awful lot of character in a pretty tiny space -- goes to show that precise detail doesn't have to be the name of the game for a successful piece of work. Very nice job!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I am just loving this series of yours, Maria. I think you are right - hard work, no tv and most likely the complete lack of chemical preservatives (except for salt) probably contributed greatly to his longevity. What a wonderful spirit emanated from this tiny painting!