Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Painting the Gettysburg Battlefield by Larry Lerew

#12-06-21 Size: 8" x 16"

#12-06-20 Size: 12" x 36"

#12-06-19 Size: 8" x 10"

Participating in the Gettyburg Festival Plein Air Event this week.
Here are three out of my first five works. I think I'll switch to watercolor or creative drawings on paper for the last half of the week. Last evening I painted by the Copse of Trees on the Battlefield and it felt a little spooky. It was super quite and I heard footsteps coming up behind me several times and then stop. Most times it was tourists admiring my work but one time I turned and no one was there. Do ghosts enjoy painting too? There is always someone or something looking over my shoulder. Just another interesting experience while out plein air painting.

To see more of my art check out my website and blog:


Julie Riker said...

I don't believe in ghosts Larry, but I think just about anyone would enjoy watching you work. It sounds like you are having a fun and productive time in Gettysburg. Keep posting!

Unknown said...

Larry, I believe the spirits are all around us and when painting at Gettysburg last year, they were in my thoughts as I painted. Real or not my paintings were influenced by them, especially the one I did at Plum Run.
I think those ghosts must have liked these paintings for sure. I know I do.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

These are wonderful...