Friday, April 27, 2012

Sanibel Sea Shells by Christine Marx

This is a fun little set of seashells that I did yesterday and today. They are just 6 x 6 inches and fun to play with in-between working on a large, more serious painting of seashells. I get so into the big piece that it's nice to redirect myself to small (6 x 6) paintings in really fun colors that I paint much more loosely and somewhere impressionistically (is that even a word?) I hope you enjoy them and have a wonderful weekend.

To see more of my work, or to purchase these paintings, please visit


Donna said...

Nice! I especially love the sand dollar!

Christine Marx said...

Thank you Donna!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I like both of these, but that sand dollar is really drawing my eye - love all of the subtle colors in it.

Christine Marx said...


Thank you! I was specifically playing with colors when painting it (your trained painters eye picked this up!)

I am also happy to report these sold the first day I posted them online....going to live with a collector in San Diego.

Thanks for the kind words.

Christine Marx said...


Thank you! I was specifically playing with colors when painting it (your trained painters eye picked this up!)

I am also happy to report these sold the first day I posted them online....going to live with a collector in San Diego.

Thanks for the kind words.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I am also drawn to the sand dollar. Been feeling kind of beachy lately... Painting small images is fun.

Christine Marx said...


Working on small pieces IS nice, after working on quite a few large ones!