Sunday, August 14, 2011

Seashore Drive, Peaks Island, Maine

oil on paper

I'm back from a couple weeks spent on Peaks Island.  What can I say?  What painter wouldn't be happy painting on an island in Maine for the rest of their life?  This was a family reunion with 20 people attending, so my time was happily divided between spending time with them and bicycling to paint on location. 
To see more of my work visit:
My Daily Paintworks Gallery
Awake and Painting Blog
Taryn Day Fine Art


Kathy Michels said...

I love the bright summer feel to this painting. I am amazed at the depth you were able to get in such a small piece. Great Job!

Julie Riker said...

I just asked in a comment on FB if you found any painting time and now I see you did. I always find it hard to paint when I vacation with others, but happily you found that balance. Maine is so beautiful and being near the sea inspires us all!

Taryn Day said...

Thanks Kathy and Julie. Julie, it WAS difficult to find the balance. I had to try and slip away periodically to paint and then later try and socialize extra hard, if you know what I mean. A family reunion is not an artist retreat!

Bottini - Classic Realist Landscape said...

You handle the masses with a painterly energy that animates the space. the tilt of the utility pole is critical as a compositional element - and the slight diagonal is repeated in the road and your brushwork. The painting captures the breeziness of a Maine summer.

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

Lovely simple shapes and light.