Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Patricia A. Griffin "EQUINOX" 48''x72'' oil on linen

This is an invitation to all of you!
Thank you for your encouragement
throughout the creative process!
Most Sincerely
Patricia A. Griffin


Jennifer MacNeill said...

This is fabulous!!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Wonderful colors and texture.

Unknown said...

Mysterious and full of wonder; just like a moonlit night I remember with my horses in Wyoming. Great job Patricia.
Nice to meet you at Gallerie 13.

Unknown said...

I forgot to mention, I like the palette you used.

Cecelia Lyden said...

Composition is so strong--wonderful monochromatic painting

Autumn Leaves said...

Gorgeous moonlit horse! He is moon dappled!

Tatiana said...

Good luck with your show month, Patricia!

Patricia A. Griffin said...

Thank you all. The opening went wonderful. It was great to meet fellow DPP members. Linda I wish I was able to chat more with you

Patricia A. Griffin said...

Thank you all. The opening went wonderful. It was great to meet fellow DPP members. Linda I wish I was able to chat more with you

Patricia A. Griffin said...

Thank you all. The opening went wonderful. It was great to meet fellow DPP members. Linda I wish I was able to chat more with you

Julie Riker said...

Don't know how I missed this one - it's magnificent! Hope your show goes well.