Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mark H Brown - Lemons

Here is my latest piece from today.  The lemons vibrate against the cool grey background.  The swirl glass pattern created some movement in an otherwise quiet soft piece.  I always enjoy the dimpled texture of the lemons.

Lemons in Glass
12 x 16
oil on canvas


Julie Riker said...

You always paint with a keen eye for composition and, of course, exquisite realism.

Mary Beth Brath said...

What a joy to see your painting this evening. I heard that you won an award at the Lititz Show. Send me the details in an email and I will post it on the sidebar.

Christine Marx said...

This is my favorite of your paintings. Beautiful composition and I love the swirls in the glass!

Debra Kreiger said...

Wonderful painting as usual Mark!