Tuesday, August 9, 2011

California Light & Color
Jane Ramsey

"Dusk in the Canyon"
Ballard Canyon Road, Solvang, CA
Watercolor, plein air
12" x 9"

I just returned from four weeks in the Central Coast of California.
While my daughter continued her equine training at
Monty Robert's ranch in Solvang, I roamed the winding roads of the
Santa Ynez Valley with my paints and easel. I kept pinching myself!

The light in California is intoxicating... luminous.
The shadows are rich and yet, have so much reflective light revealing
subtle color and hues. Evening time was my favorite time to paint.
The afternoon winds quiet down and the heat of the day
gives way to cooler temperatures. The birds appear to hunt for evening bugs and eagles soar above, their shadows moving along in flight.

"Evening's Glow"
Ballard Canyon Road, Solvang, CA
Watercolor, plein air
12" x 9"

You can read more about this painting on my blog or visit my website.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Welcome to the DPP Blog, Jane. I am a huge fan of your work already, so it will be so nice to see your posts up here!

Maria Kovalenko Leysens said...

I have not been to Solvang and that part of California for twenty years. I remember the light, shadows and colors...

Jane Ramsey said...

Thanks Claire for the warm welcome! Likewise, I enjoy your work as well and love seeing your posts!
Thanks Maria... i know! It leaves an imprint on your soul, doesn't it!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Super composition, wonderful colors--trees, hills, grasses sunlight and shadows--I love it.

Jane Ramsey said...

Thank you Cecelia! I just loved painting there!

Mary Beth Brath said...

Welcome to the Daily Painters of Pennsylvania Jane. Fantastic first post and I look forward to seeing more.

Jane Ramsey said...

Thank you Mary Beth... I look forward to posting more and getting to know other artists closer to home! Thanks!

Autumn Leaves said...

Just so lovely!

Christine Marx said...


Your work is beautiful! Solvang is one of my favorite places. I lived in California for 40 years and I have to say your pictures nailed it! They are a perfect depiction of the landscape I miss so dearly- gnarled oaks. I look forward to seeing more of your work here!

Deb Watson said...

You really capture the light and your shadows are dead on. Plein aire in watercolor is hard, but you make it look easy.

Tatiana said...

Beautiful play of light and color!... Welcome to DPP!

Jane Ramsey said...

Thank you everyone for making me feel so welcome! Christine, thank you... I fell in love with the Santa Ynez Valley. You must have loved living there... I have been blogging about my travels in CA at http://janeramsey.blogspot.com/