Monday, July 25, 2011

"Wares along the Sponge Docks" by Dianne Lorden

T-shirts, ball caps, dresses and yes, sponges. Especially sponges, as this scene is of the shopping along the Sponge Docks, Tarpon Springs, Fla. I don't know whether I'll get there this year, but I enjoy pastelling these touristy scenes during the summer. It's been hot enough to be Florida, anyway. In fact, it's been hotter here in Gettysburg than in Tarpon Springs!
This just completed piece was done on toothed pastel paper, but not sanded. I would have been better off using sanded paper, but my vision for how I wanted to paint it changed as I went. I was going for a wettish look - mainly 'cause it's a sea of shopping! - and the "smushing around" I did (esp. of Sennelliers on top layer) might have benefited from more layers than I could accomplish with just paper. Live and learn! I've got to plan better.
My artwork can be viewed at South Mountain Sketchbook.


Autumn Leaves said...

Beautifully painted!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Super pastel, Dianne. Outside shopping on boardwalks and other tourist venues are such a "feast for the eyes". So many scrumptious colors, shapes and the shoppers, as well. I am constantly taking photos of such scenes, but have not attempted, as yet,to organize the composition and begin the painting.

Bertie Brown said...

Woo hoo, festive!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

I love the complexity and color of this - a wonderful painting, Dianne!