Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hydrangeas, watercolor by Linda Young

Tonight, when I was painting the blue/pink hydrangea in my back yard, I heard a mother Robin chirping to her baby.  This conversation was going on for quite some time. 

The sun had already gone down behind the mountain leaving just enough light to see.  I was trying to finish "just a little more" when all of a sudden, the baby Robin flew right onto the palette that I was holding in my hand!  It's tiny feet had plopped right into the wet paint.

"Well, just look at you!" I said.  It's tiny body was about 16 inches from my face.  The baby looked up at me cocking it's head and sat for about fifteen seconds.  Hearing it's mother chirp again it flew away.

That's what I call getting into my work.  

Hydrangea 6 x 9 watercolor
copyright2011 Linda Young

Linda Young Watercolors
P O Box 941
Carlisle, Pa.   17013


Autumn Leaves said...

So very pretty, Linda! Guess that little birdie just wanted to see that gorgeous color up close and personal!

Cecelia Lyden said...

Beautiful, soft, delicate rendering of one of my favorite flowers--love the pinks mixed in with the blues. This plus an unforgettable encounter with a baby bird.

Unknown said...

Thank you Cecelia. That little bird is here again this morning; maybe it's waiting for me to get back out there!

Taryn Day said...

Good thing it landed in watercolor paint instead of oils! This is a lovely watercolor, precise without being fussy.

Amy Lindenberger said...

Love this painting,Linda -- I agree with Cecelia and Taryn: soft, delicate and not fussy. Light and airy, is how it seems to me, and captures the hydrangeas perfectly. And a delightful story to go with it!

Debra Kreiger said...

Really pretty delicate painting. The baby bird thought so too!

Unknown said...

Thank you Debra, Taryn, and Amy.

Julie Riker said...


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

This is such a soft and lovely palette - love the colors, Linda. When I was in school, we went outside to do some watercolor painting and I also had an encounter with a bird, only mine was an art critic - he left a very definite message directly on the center of my painting...

Unknown said...

Claire, that's hilarious. I think my little visitor's mama taught it a little better manners than yours. lol