Wednesday, July 27, 2011


oil on linen


I was horrified when I realized that I had placed the vertical pole smack in the middle of the canvas. This realization came after the painting was finished. I asked the DPP and SVPAP artists for some ideas on how to fix and save the painting.

After many recommendations from some of our members, I took Linda's suggestion and moved the pole. I also took Julie's suggestion and put some grass under the pole and then overlapped it a bit with vines. It looks much better now --thanks everyone.


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

No guts, no glory - glad you bit the dust and moved the pole, Cecelia. This was a painting worth being saved!!!

Patricia A. Griffin said...

Claire, First thing I saw was the light on the right of the it worked. I saw right through that pole.

Autumn Leaves said...

Loved it before but surprisingly, I love it even more now! (I say surprisingly because I hadn't even notice that the arbor support bisected the piece originally!)

Christine Marx said...

Wow, the move looks great! Isn't it funny how you get so into a painting you sometimes miss the big things? I'm happy to hear it happens to other artists.

belle said...

you good. for some of us it will take years of practice to get there. like ur blog.

Unknown said...


Deborah Nell said...

I didn't notice the pole at first either. I noticed the beautiful colors. So glad you saved this painting. It's beautiful.

Cecelia Lyden said...

You are all so incredibly kind and supportive--so happy I belong to this group.